Early results from NRCS research (for the ApiSave product) indicate a potential solution for these (bee health) problems. The Canadian Honey Council wholeheartedly endorses any support to expedite and enhance its research capabilities. Our industry needs a quick solution to an urgent problem, and any step toward improved hive management cannot come too soon.
Rod Scarlett
Executive Director
Canadian Honey Council
The Alberta Beekeepers Commission see this work as critical to the to the longer-term health of honey bees and the sustainability of Alberta’s commercial beekeeping industry. In addition these extracts will counter the growing resistance shown by pathogens and will not harm adult honey bees, the honey they produce or the environment they occupy.

Connie Phillips
Executive Director
Alberta Beekeepers Commission
American and European foulbrood infections threatens the sustainability and profitability of beekeeping in Canada, and I am excited to support Nature Recombined Sciences and Chinook Contract Research in pursuing alternatives to control the spread of these bacterial diseases.

Patricia Wolf Veiga, MSc
National Bee Diagnostic Center
ApiSave, the product proposed by Nature Recombined Sciences Inc., represents a potential solution to a pending global disaster.
Alberta Canola will follow the company’s progress as a stakeholder in the health and survival of honey bee colonies all across Alberta.

Karla Bergstrom
Executive Director
Alberta Canola Producers Commission
ApiSave, the product proposed by Nature Recombined Sciences Inc., is a potential solution to the pathogens challenging the beekeeping industry. On Behalf of the British Columbia Blueberry council, I would like to express support in principle for testing of ApiSave against bee pathogens. Based on the importance of honey bees to the blueberry production system, we see the potential benefits of an effective pathogen control product as an important opportunity for our sector.
Eric Gerbrandt, Ph.D.
Research Director
British Columbia Blueberry Council
ApiSave, the product proposed by Nature Recombined Sciences Inc., indicates a potential solution to this pending global disaster. By way of this letter, Seeds Canada would like to offer our support in the on-going research and testing necessary to confirm efficacy and safety of ApiSave. The anticipated benefits are critical to the survival of one of Earth’s most important assets – bees.

Duane Lauren Comin, PhD Pag
Director of Policy
Seeds Canada
We have been made aware of the potential project currently being conducted or proposed by Nature Recombined Sciences Inc. Honey bees are vital to many of the crops in our industry and thus honey bee health is vital. Without these bees our diverse range of crops would not thrive. Our crops are critically dependent on the vital role bees play in the production of safe, nutritious crops.

Connie Kehler
Executive Director
Herb, Spice &Specialty Agriculture Association
HyTech Production Ltd. is an independent seed production company based in Lethbridge, Alberta. The commercial canola crop is 100% dependent on honey bee pollination to produce the seed necessary for planting, more than 100,000 healthy honey bee hives are required to provide this pollination service. HyTech Production Ltd. would like to offer our support in the on-going research and testing necessary to confirm efficacy and safety of ApiSave. The anticipated benefits are critical to the survival of one of Earth’s most important assets – bees.

Scott Horner P.Ag.
Chief Commercial Officer,
HyTech Production Ltd.
The Manitoba Canola Growers Association Inc. (MCGA) has provided funds to support the Knowledge and Research Transfer Program (KRTP) implemented by the Manitoba Beekeepers Association (MBA) since 2020. MCGA supports the pursuit of independent testing and development of the NRCS plant-based extract and therefore support their request of securing funding for this project.

Delaney Ross Burtnack
Executive Director,
Manitoba Canola Growers Association
The Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association (https://manitobabee.org/hive/) represents the commercial and hobbyist beekeepers in Manitoba. With over 900 beekeepers and 115,000 colonies, our industry provides over $60 M in national and international sales of honey and beeswax and an additional $200 M for the added value to crops that benefit from honey bee pollination. Nature Recombined Sciences Inc. (NRCS) has done preliminary work on their product. Their work will have the potential to be a valuable product for the beekeeping industry. The Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association endorses NRCS work and any support to their research and development for this product will have an impact on the industry.

Daryl Wright
Manitoba Beekeepers Association